Day 2/Part 2–
Today was a perfectly wonderful ‘lazy day.’ By late morning, we had found a little restaurant overlooking the ocean, and we admired the view while enjoying a cup of ‘Café con Leche.’ After coffee, we headed down to the pier to see fishing boats.

Pelicans! One of Many Gulls
We were amused to see that one of the boats was named, ‘Bob Marley.’ We spotted pelicans and all sorts of shore birds. After wandering around, we set up our beach chairs so we could watch the birds dive bombing the ocean in search of food.
Flap, flap—glide—dive! They put on quite a show!
The beach and the surrounding cliffs slowly began to fill up with people as the day passed. They arrived by car, camper, and by foot with one goal in mind…to see the full solar eclipse at 4:39 p.m. We had decided to get out of the wind for a bit, so we set up our chairs behind the camper.
Lots of people walked by and most of them said hello and asked us where we were from. We met people a lot of Chilean people, a guy from England, and a family from Virginia (of all places!). At one point, three men in uniform stopped and started to speak to us in Spanish, which of course, we couldn’t understand.

A couple walking by asked if they could translate for us, and we found out that the men were with the Coast Guard, and they were walking around to each car and camper asking for everyone to keep the environment clean, and to be careful not to leave any trash behind. The couple continued to translate for us, and we enjoyed talking to them. Pierre liked their uniforms, so he asked if they minded if he took a picture. They didn’t mind, in fact, they suggested that everyone should get in the picture–so we did!
So great!