I just finished Week 11 of my walking challenge, which I’ve nicknamed, ‘My Coronavirus Camino.’ The rules are simple, I’m going to walk every day for a minimum of two miles until I reach 500 miles. There is no rush to finish–I’m just going to do it! This ‘magic number’ is the length of the Camino Frances in France/Spain.
- 5/28/2020–2.0 miles
- 5/29/2020–2.03 miles
- 5/30/2020–2.04 miles
- 5/31/2020–2.58 miles
- 6/1/2020–5.04 miles
- 6/2/2020–4.83 miles
- 6/3/2020–4.07 miles
Total for the Week--22.59 miles Total for 'My Coronavirus Camino'--336.44 miles
6/29/2020–Pierre walked with me today at Poor House Farm. It was only a short outing, because he “HATES” to walk! LOL! We’ve seen this mama duck several times now, and we’ve enjoyed watching her ducklings getting bigger and bigger.

5/31/2020–Tom and I took a short walk around at the Antietam National Battlefield today–the weather was perfect!

6/1/2020– I cut through the Lowe’s parking lot when I was walking earlier today, and I crossed paths with a woman who was coming out of the store. I noticed a look of surprise cross her face as she peeled off her face mask and blurted, “Oh, it’s you! I’ve seen you walking ALL over town!”
“I smiled, and replied, “I’ve put in a lot of miles since the beginning of the Cornona Virus.
She asked for my mileage total, and when I told her she exclaimed, “You have GOT to be kidding me!”
I assured her that I wasn’t kidding! LOL!
Her reaction stayed with me for the rest of the day, and I’ve smiled whenever I remembered how she responded to me. It really made my day. I told her to beep at me the next time she’s sees me, and I can’t wait to see if it happens!