I just finished Week 5 of my walking challenge, which I’ve nicknamed, ‘My Coronavirus Camino.’ The rules are simple, I’m going to walk every day for a minimum of two miles until I reach 500 miles. There is no rush to finish–I’m just going to do it! This ‘magic number’ is the length of the Camino Frances in France/Spain.
- 4/16/2020–2.0 miles
- 4/17/2020–2.05 miles
- 4/18/2020–8.38 miles
- 4/19/2020–4.34 miles
- 4/20/2020–3.23 miles
- 4/21/2020–8.2 miles
- 4/22/2020–6.26 miles
Total for the Week--34.46 miles Total for 'My Coronavirus Camino'--168.58 miles Check out Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, & Week 4 Sorry, this is a boring week post-wise--I worked and I walked! 35 days of walking going strong!